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How to choose the strength of CBN grinding wheel?

2020-04-07 18:05:22


The strength of CBN grinding wheel is not only related to the type of raw material, but also depends on the amount of binder and the density of raw material.The harder the CBN grinding wheel is not the better, because the abrasive in the raw material will blunt sooner or later, and if the abrasive falls off at that time, the CBN grinding wheel can continue to grind with sharp abrasive.

How to choosing the strength of CBN grinding wheel?

When grinding the harder material, because the abrasive is easier to blunt, in order to make the blunt abrasive can fall off in time, should choose the CBN grinding wheel with less strength;

On the contrary, when grinding soft materials, the abrasive is not easy to blunt, in order to extend the service life of CBN grinding wheel, should choose the CBN grinding wheel with greater strength.

But it's not absolute. If the grinding work piece is not only soft, but also relatively tough, such as non-ferrous metal copper, aluminum, etc., this kind of material is easy to cause CBN grinding wheel jam.

In order to avoid the occurrence of this situation, the CBN grinding wheel with low strength should be selected.

The rotation speed of the grinding wheel and the contact area with the work piece are also factors to be considered. The linear speed of the grinding wheel is relatively low, and the contact area with the work piece is relatively small.

When the grinding wheel has a high linear speed and a large contact area with the work piece, it is suitable to choose the CBN grinding wheel with a small strength.

For those work piece with poor thermal conductivity, easy deformation, easy to burn, in grinding, especially when dry grinding, the huge heat generated is adverse to the work piece, should choose the strength of the CBN grinding wheel, on the one hand, the heat generated is low, on the other hand, can also be removed by the abrasive off part of the heat.

Finally, when there is a high requirement for grinding efficiency, the CBN grinding wheel with low strength can be selected.

When the roughness requirement is low, the CBN grinding wheel with high strength can be selected.



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